Wednesday 1 August 2012

Bee Testimonial... (and sausages too!)

I contacted several people to solve my ‘bee in the chimney’ problem, and only Andre stepped up to the challenge. Whilst others told me it wouldn’t be possible to get rid of them without killing them, Andre told me confidently that he’d be able to smoke them out, then rehouse them. Due to his patient approach over the course of an afternoon and evening, this is exactly what happened, and my family and I watched in amazement as he worked.

Perhaps even better than his bee skills, though, are his talents as a pig breeder. There can’t be many beekeepers who can offer you pork and ribs after they finish, but Andre assured me that his sweet chilli rare breed sausages would be amongst the best I’ve ever tasted. Once again, he was as good as his word, and when these came off the barbeque, they caused a virtual riot as everyone fought over who’d get the last one.

So gracias for dealing with the bees, Andre, and hasta la proxima delivery of meat!

Michael Dunn, Cambridge

Thanks Michael! 

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